Sunday, July 30, 2023

Farm report for July 23


Applied to all the trees and vineyard. Tried permethrin and pyrethrum but didn’t work well

Mowed a bit in the blueberries and ate a few ripe ones, put blood meal near small ones. Netted the whole thing

Planted 5 trees in the orchard: plum, 2 or 3 apples, 1-2 pears

Mowed the vineyards

Saw the turtle swimming in the pond

Good bee action outside all hives

Harvested 2 rutabaga. Smells nasty cooking but tasted ok with bacon garlic and in a waffle

Beans (kidney) appearing in the annex!

Potato beetles on the potatoes

Japanese beetles everywhere but chickens eating them

Weeded corn

Girls dumped weeds on the dam

Picked zucchini and summer squash

Picked the last of the June bearing strawberries. Some leaves are red which I think is a fungus

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Farm report

 Wow, I have neglected this column! It's December 1st and we harvested pounds of greens from Andy's new beds in the greenhouse. The ...