5 pounds of strawberries! And we ate them all!
The teen chickens are integrating more and more with the old flock. One Buff Orpington, Ducky (named after our previous sweet BO) flows seamlessly between the two flocks. The smaller one, Little Miss Sunshine, is way more timid but still seems curious about the humans.
Just to try to remember when we got them, the 6 baby chickens have been with us since June 24. The black ones looked they had just hatched and the fluffy-footed Brahmas looked like they were a week old. It's amazing how tiny they still seem. We must have always gotten somewhat older chicks. Or we just stuck them under Mamma Mia and didn't see them again until they were bigger.
Swam in the pond and tried to check the temperature. It looks like it is 72-75 degrees, not bad for swimming but it won't be good for my dream fish, trout. There is one really deep pocket - I'll try to get a long string on the thermometer and check it out.
Andy tried to fill in the gullies with more soil. It was supposed to rain very gently all day. Instead we got an inch in an hour and the dirt washed into the pond. His lovely sand beach keeps flowing into the pond, too, but so far that makes for a soft gentle slope.
No Japanese beetles in the vineyard. Yet. There is some leaf roller thing and something that eats perfectly round bites out of the leaves but I looked right after the inch of rain and no one was obviously still chewing.
One night the frogs all quieted down. Then the bullfrogs arrived. The banjo twang is distinctive.
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